CS201 Assignment 1 Solution Spring 2022

CS201 Assignment 1 Solution Spring 2022

CS201 Assignment Settlement 1 Spring 2022: Please read these instructions carefully before submitting work to be done. It should be clear that your assignment will not receive credit. Work to be done is sent after the deadline. The task to be sent is not open or the file is corrupted. The work to be done is copied to online students.


To make learners understand and apply the concepts of:

  1. Data Types and Variables
  2. Arithmetic and Logical Operators
  3. Problem Solving
  4. If-other Statements
  5. Repetition Structure 
  6. Print your name, VU id, and list of courses you have selected for the current semester. Print the names of all the subjects you have chosen for the current semester. Add the first digit of your VU id number to the total number of selected subjects. Show the amount effect on the screen. Print “Welcome to CS201 – Editorial Introduction using the WHILE loop. The multiplication number WHILE loop should be equal to the sum calculated in position 4.

Please read the instructions carefully before submitting your work.

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