MGMT623 Current Midterm Papers 2022-Learnings home

Looking for MGMT623 Current Midterm Papers 2022? If yes, then you are on the right page. Here are MGMT623 Current Papers 2022. MGMT623 Midterm Past Papers 2022.

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Students have to prepare these mgmt623 mid-term current papers in 2022. It can also provide 2022 mgmt623 preparation core topics questions paper outline
Medium article mgmt623


A total of 32 questions

Mcqs all from handouts and also conceptual 28 questions

4 subjective questions

2 out of 3 marks

Any Leader 3 characteristic

The difference between a transactional and a transformational leader2 5 points

Money as motivation

One conceptual answer I think was the charismatic leader

See Also: MGMT623 Handouts PDF


Q1 to Q28 MCQs

Q29: characteristic of personality perception…. 3 points

Q30: A scenario is given from which we have to use arguments to distinguish who is a leader and who is a manager… 3 points Q31: The importance of preparedness in situational leadership theory… 5 points

Q32: How an organization motivates employees….5 marks

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