MGT101 Assignment 1 Solution Spring 2022

MGT101 Assignment 1 Solution Spring 2022

MGT101 Assignment 1 Solution in the spring of 2022: A grace period of 24 hours after the due date is usually available to overcome loading difficulties. This extra time should only be used to meet emergencies and the deadlines mentioned above should always be considered as a last resort to avoid any disruption.

Question 1:

Some Sub-accounting Headings are provided in the first column. List the appropriate major Account Heads in the second column against each sub-head of the account mentioned in the first column in the following main Account Heads.

  • Real Account
  • Name Account
  • Personal account

Question 2:

ABC and the sons showed the balance of money in the hand of Rs. 190,000, Bank money Rs. 160,000, Furniture Rs. 110,000, Receivable Accounts Rs. 35,000 plus short-term loans Rs. 70,000 from 1 May 2022. Further transactions for ABC and Children for May 2022 are provided below.

Important Command:

  1. Find help online to gather information.
  2. Carefully watch for relevant talks and get in touch with relevant material from handouts and recommended books.
  3. Try the assignment alone and you will enjoy it well.
  4. Be sure to upload the resolution file before the due date in VULMS.
  5. Any email submissions after the due date will not be accepted.

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