Pak301 Gdb 1 Solution Spring 2022-Learnings home

Pak301 Gdb 1 Solution Spring 2022-Learnings home. All students are informed that they will post their comments on the GDB link. Comments for GDB sent by email or posted on the regular MDB or Ticketing system will not be accepted.

Graded GDB for Pak301 will open on 10th August 2022 and will remain open till 11th August 2022. The GDB topic is the question title.

How does political instability lead to an economic crisis in a country? Discuss the recent scenario of Pakistan.

Pak301 Gdb 1 Solution Spring 2022

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Pak301 Gdb 1 Solution Spring 2022 Please do not copy and make any changes
Political instability can cause many problems to a country’s economy. Due to this political instability our economic growth is decreasing day by day. The recent scenario of Pakistan as we see that Pakistan is not politically stable now. Foreign direct investment depends on the political stability of the country. Instability can cause many problems for foreign investors to invest in the country. They do not invest in the country because the unstable economy cannot provide return on investment. The industries also do not work and the development work also stops, therefore the economic growth of the country is strongly affected by the instability of the political system.

Pak301 Gdb 1 Solution Spring 2022 Please do not copy and paste as well as make any changes.


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political instability and economic growth interact in a negative way. political unrest in Pakistan’s economic growth and the reverse is also true. A weak government increases liability for investors’ money and investment in the country decreases. This reduces development and employment in the country. The stability of political institutions is important compared to political regimes when discussing the economy of Pakistan. Political instability has developed Pakistan’s export performance and GDP growth. The current political instability in Pakistan predicts a bleak outlook for both foreign and domestic investors

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