PEEF Scholarship Special quota 2021

PEEF Scholarship Special quota 2021

Brief Description:

It is a great opportunity for Pakistani students to get scholarship in PEEF. This scholarship will help students to continue their educational career without any financial problem. Child of Government servant, orphan and minorities have special Benefits.


20% of total quota of peef was allocated to category of special Quota.

The categories of special Quota is divided among 5  categories and awarded as four categories Which include

1: Orphans

Government servant child and also those child whose parents retired from government jobs are eligible.

2: Minorities(s) children

PEEF Scholarship: Including Christian and other religious students.

3: Children whose parents embraced Shahadat in terrorist attack.

For the award of grant following process is  necessary.

See Also: Fulbright Foreign Student Program in USA

Secondary Level:

PEEF Scholarship Secondary level nomination grant received through Cheif Executive officer (CEO)

▶️ District Education authority

▶️Directorate of special education and partner institute

▶️ For secondary level grant newspaper advertisement is released and application are invited for meritorious students.

▶️For each category shortlist students received application are scrutinized.

▶️ Return the form to PEEF after filling the form by eligible students.

▶️ Verified and scrutinized all received forms.

▶️Gender wise merit list and category are prepared for awarding schlorship.

▶️ Grants are awarded through those institute where PEEF Grants currently enrolled.

  1. B) Intermediate and Graduation level

Meritorious students are invited for Intermediate and bachelor level schlorship through newspaper advertisement and application.

▶️ The received application are scrutinized and eligible students shortlisted against gender and each category.

▶️ Student whose eligible for schlorship intimation letter and schlorship application send to their residential address.

▶️Return back application to PEEF after filling the form by eligible students.

▶️ For awarding schlorship gender merit list and categories were prepared.

▶️Those institute whose enrolled PEEF schlorship currently awarded schlorship to eligible students.

PEEF Scholarship Special quota 2021


Apply online: Click Here

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