Scholarships For Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication And Film Studies

Applications are now open for scholarships For Fine Art 2024, visual communication and film in Germany. The program offers graduates the opportunity to continue their education in Germany with postgraduate or follow-up studies. The fellowships also encourage exchange of experiences and networking among colleagues. Applicants can use this scholarship to complete a Master’s/Postgraduate degree leading to a final qualification or an additional non-degree course (non-Bachelor’s) at a state or state-recognized German university of their choice.

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Foreign applicants who, at the latest at the time of taking up the scholarship, have obtained their first university education in the fields of Fine Arts, Design, Visual Communication and Film can apply. This scholarship program only funds projects in artistic and creative fields. Applicants who, at the time of application, are already in the first year of postgraduate studies in Germany can apply for funding for the second year of study. It is not possible to extend the scholarship.

These DAAD scholarships are awarded for the standard period of study of the chosen study program (maximum 24 months). In the case of 2-year fields of study, additional funding is provided after the first year of study, if the study results to date indicate that you will successfully complete the study program in a reasonable time. Scholarships are also awarded for additional studies that do not lead to a final qualification (one academic year).

Scholarships For Fine Art 2024 Program Details

  • Host Institutions: State or state-recognized universities in Germany.
  • Field of study: Artistic and creative (Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film) programs at host institutions.
  • Number of awards: Not specified.
  • Duration: normal duration of the program.
  • Payment of course fees for an online language course after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
  • if necessary: German language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the study visit in Germany; the DAAD decides whether to fund participation and for how long depending on German language skills and project. Participation in a language course is compulsory if the language of instruction or working language is German at the German host institution. Due to the pandemic, German courses may take place online.
  • Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the scholarship period
  • Reimbursement of the fee for a TestDaF or DSH test, which you can take either in your home country after you have received your Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany during your funding period.Eligible countries: Opened to citizens of all nationalities.

Scholarships For Fine Art 2024 Design, Visual Communication and Film Benefits

The program will provide successful applicants with the following benefits:

  1. A monthly payment of 861 euros
  2. Travel allowance
  3. One-off study allowance
  4. Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover.

Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits:

  • Monthly rent subsidy
  • Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family
  • In the case of a disability or chronic illness: subsidy for additional costs which result from the disability or chronic illness and are not covered.

To enable scholarship holders to learn German in preparation for their stay in the country, DAAD offers the following services:

Scholarships For Fine Art 2024 Design, Visual Communication and Film Eligibility

To qualify for this scholarship to study in Europe, Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication, and Film at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study program.
  • As a rule, your university degree should not date back more than 6 years at the time of the application deadline.
  • Your application cannot be considered if you have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the application deadline.
  • Prerequisite for the funding is a full-time and attendance study. Extra-occupational or part-time study programs and study programs with a predominant share of e-learning cannot be taken into account.

Applicants in the fields of Fine Art, Film, Design, Visual Communication, and Film should have a knowledge of the language of instruction that corresponds to the requirements of the chosen university at the latest by the time they start their scholarship. If you do not yet have the language skills required by the university at the time of your application, your application should indicate the extent to which you are in a position to reach the required level. After you have been awarded a scholarship, take advantage of the funding opportunities available for language education.

How to Apply for Scholarships in Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

Interested applicants who would like to apply for this Europe scholarship need to click on the apply button below and follow instructions to submit their applications. Applicants are also required to send additional documents by post to the specified application address.

Application documents

Certificates, proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and uploaded to the DAAD portal. The DAAD reserves the right to request certified copies of the documents. Below is the list of documents that need to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:

Master’s degree/postgraduate study program leading to a final qualification:

  • Form “Information about your preferred master programmes”
  • If available: Letter of acceptance from the host university.
  • If you do not have a letter of acceptance at the time of application, you must apply to the university for this in good time and subsequently submit the confirmation letter before the scholarship-supported study program begins. Please note that you yourself are responsible for ensuring that you apply for admission at the host university by the due date, and that a Scholarship Award Letter from the DAAD only becomes valid if you are admitted to your chosen host university.

Complementary studies not leading to a final qualification: Confirmation of supervision from a German university teacher :

For all applicants

  1. A current Transcript of Records with individual grade(s), including explanation of grading system
  2. University degree certificate indicating final grade(s): the certificate must be subsequently submitted before the scholarship-supported study program begins, if studies have not been completed at the time of application.
  3. Proof of German language proficiency according to the European Framework of References for Languages or the Test-DaF for study programs in German.
  4. Proof of English language proficiency according to the requirements of the chosen study program in English (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS).
  5. The language certificate should be no more than two years old.
  6. A list of all work that have been cited as samples (see with detailed information (size, date of creation, place, etc.)
  7. A declaration that the works of art have been produced or created by you or the names of those persons involved in producing collaborative pieces of work. In the case of collaborative work or projects, the applicant’s own contribution must be marked as such or appropriately described.Scholarships For Fine Art 2024

Please do not upload any work samples and/or portfolios to the DAAD portal. If the review of your scholarship application shows that it meets the criteria of the scholarship announcement and is complete, you will receive a link to upload your work samples to the DAAD media database by 15 December at the latest. When you receive the link, please upload the work samples to the Media Database by 10 January CET at the latest.

In the absolute exception, if you are unable to submit a language certificate due to Corona (e.g. due to the closure of universities or language test centres and if no digital language test is possible either), please upload an appropriate justification with a self-assessment of your current language level according to the CEFR instead of the missing document (tips for self-assessment of your language skills can be found here, under section A, point 8).

In these cases, the absence of a language certificate does not lead to a formal rejection of your scholarship application by the DAAD. However, submitted language certificates are included in the assessment. If you acquire language certificates after the application deadline, please submit them later. Please note that you will still need proof of language proficiency in order to apply for a place at a German higher education institution and thus to be able to take up the scholarship.

All documents must be submitted in German or English. Documents in other languages must be attached with their translation in Germany and English.

If you have any technical questions or problems your local information and advice centres could not help you with, please do not hesitate to contact the technical Portal hotline: +49 (0228) 882-8888 or via e-mail, open every weekday from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm and from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm (CET). Please read notes about registering in the portal) and (notes on applying in the portal) for further details on the application system.

The application deadline is