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Zero Semester Midterm Past Papers

Candidates will be required to complete all prescribed courses in one semester and achieve the prescribed semester GPA to become eligible to apply for subsequent admission to the required degree program where applicable.

Important note

The University may change the courses and their number from time to time.
Students enrolled in zero semester will be required to follow the rules and regulations of the university.
Zero semesters for undergraduate programs, once qualified, will remain valid for all subsequent admissions to the relevant program.

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Cs001 Midterm Papers
Cs001 Midterm Papers
Cs001 Midterm Papers
Cs001 Midterm Papers
Cs001 Midterm Papers
Cs001 Midterm Papers

Assessment of study progress:

The mechanism for assessing students’ academic progress is based on continuous assessment during the semester by assigning assignments, online quizzes, Graded Discussion Boards (GDB), mid-semester and final semester exams. Mid-semester and final semester exams are held in designated VU centers and usually count for 80 to 85% of the total number of points for the course.

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