ENG101 Assignment 1 Solution Spring 2022

ENG101 Assignment 1 Solution Spring 2022: Activities to be 100% closer. Please avoid cheating; copied work will be marked zero. After the due date, the activities to be emailed will not be considered. Please refrain from sending copied work; if not, such a case will be referred to a disciplinary committee. Optional font color should be black and font size 12 Times New Roman.

Sports can be thought of as a permanent feature or condition in which people differ in the way they are normally expected to behave in sports situations. In general, athleticism refers to such virtue as righteousness, self-control, courage, and perseverance, and it has been associated with the ideals of human relations and justice, maintaining self-control in dealing with others, and respecting both authority and morality. opponents. Sports are also considered to be a reaction to the game.

The four elements of sports are often portrayed as good form, a desire to win, equality, and fairness. All four are important and balance must be found between the four to match real games. These factors can also lead to conflict, as a person may desire to win more than fair play and fairness and thus cause conflict between aspects of the game. This will create problems as a person believes he or she is a good player, but they defeat the purpose of this idea as they ignore the two most important parts of being a player. When athletes become overly self-centered, the idea of ​​playing is dispelled.

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Today’s sports culture, especially the foundation of elite sports, places great importance on the idea of ​​competition and winning and thus the running of the sport takes a back seat as a result. Many, if not all sports, top athletes make sport standards and whether they like it or not, they are seen as leaders and role models in society. 

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