TWAS-DBT Postgraduate Fellowship Programme 2023 for Developing Countries

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS),TWAS-DBT Postgraduate Fellowship Programme in collaboration with the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, India, is pleased to announce the TWAS-DBT Postgraduate Fellowship for individuals from developing countries.

The fellowship is established to support foreign scientists from developing countries who want to continue research in the field of biotechnology.

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TWAS-DBT Postgraduate Fellowship Details

Fellowship Sponsor(s): TWAS and DBT

Host Institution(s): Not specified

Number of Awards: Several

Study Level: PhD

Duration: 3 to 5 years

Nationality: Developing Countries

Application Deadline: 15 September 2022

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To be considered for the TWAS-DBT Postgraduate Scholarship 2022/23, applicants must meet the following requirements:

The maximum age must be 35 years as of December 31 of the year of application.
Be a national of a developing country (other than India).
Must not have any visa for temporary or permanent residence in India or any developed country.
Hold a Master’s degree or equivalent in science or engineering.
For SANDWICH Fellowships, be registered PhD students in your home country and provide a “Certificate of Registration and No Objection” from the HOME University; OR
For FULL-TIME Fellowships, be willing to register at a university in India.
Get admitted to a biotech institution in India.
Provide proof of English proficiency if the medium of education was not English.
Provide proof that they will return to their home country after completing the scholarship.
Not accept other assignments during his/her internship.
Be financially responsible for all accompanying family members.
Application procedures
How to Apply: Interested and eligible applicants for TWAS-DBT Postgraduate Scholarship 2022/23 must submit their application through the online portal  on or before the application deadline.